iPhone 6 Plus Screen Replacement In iPro Ampang There are many types of screen for us to replace after purchasing a phone. There is graded screen and OEM screen. Graded screen is a copy of the original screen but has different grades and each grade has different...
Salam sejahtera kepada pembaca sekalian! Pada hari ini saya ingin menceritakan tentang isu yang menular di serata dunia berkenaan dengan pengharaman menggunakan teknologi keluaran Huawei di AS. Sebuah artikel yang menerangkan lebih lanjut tentang isu ini telahpun saya...
Greetings everyone! So for today’s topic I would like to share with you some of the issues about Apple has been charged of the action that they have been penetrating in the market store. For iPhone users, the Apple Store is the only place you can get most of...
Pada hari ini saya ingin menceritakan sedikit tentang apa yang terjadi di Taiwan, China. Seorang pemuda bernama Hsu, menghadapi masalah yang aneh dan jarang sesekali berlaku kepada pengguna peranti. Saya ingin memulakan artikel pada hari ini dengan berkongsi tentang...
A LITTLE BIT ABOUT IOS 12 So we would probably know the real deal about most iPhone which is the operating system of it. As you all might know, iOS 12 is currently out and being installed for most of the iPhone users. This is already a new face of the software,...
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