Hello everyone! For today’s article I would like to share with you about what has happened to Samsung’s newest release which is the Samsung Galaxy Fold. Just a few weeks after the release, the reviewers are the first one to have their hands on the prosperous gadget. After using the Samsung Galaxy Fold for a quite amount of time, things started to go downhill on the phone. Samsung had to call for the model for a setback and postponing before it can be released for public use.


One of the Samsung Galaxy Fold users claims that after doing the folding and unfolding, the phone has an obvious bulge of the hinge that is annoying and it also affects the flexible OLED panel. Some of the reviewers also share that their LCD is malfunctioning after they peel the outermost layer of the LCD which they probably misinterpret this as the phone’s screen protector thus breaking the display from the screen.


But one of the reviewers shared their thoughts of somehow not peeling this plastic film from the screen also experiencing some flickering on the left side of the screen. Having these feedbacks from users that had their hands on this new launched device has an obvious call for them to redo and further analyse for improvement for future use. Samsung will be delaying the date of launch for the phone until they overcome of the occurrence.



The company is now working on their Samsung Fold to determine the cause of this problem. They have found out that the exposed area from the top and the bottom of the hinge might result to this problem. Furthermore, the substances inside the device could also affected the screen display. It is clear for Samsung that guidance about handling this phone must be stated for future users awareness. Samsung did the right thing to address the issue and put the Samsung Fold on hold before their official worldwide launch.


This really shows that Samsung is professionally taking the responsibility of the product malfunction and they have their standards to uphold the big name of the company and also customers’ satisfaction. The problem’s existence probably will affect the company’s sale more or less, but this is definitely the right thing to do for Samsung as they would not want to have any of the users in the future to be having any doubts of the phone’s quality and reliability.


This is just another thing that Samsung has to bear, aside from their Note 7 that was a hit on the news back in 2016 of its tendency to catch fire. The company recalled the phone and reissued a new one to the affected users but sadly the replacement was no different and this led to the demolishment of the model. Samsung Fold might be the priciest smartphone that is available on the market today and despite the price, it is also limited to certain apps only to be compatible with the phone and this could take some time for the app developers to work.


New technologies are discovered at a fast pace and it is as expected for us to experience some of the complications what the future stores for us. The glitch on the Samsung Fold is not a big issue as this is an advanced, new face of technology we are dealing with here. Foldable screen, bigger displays are definitely the future and it takes time for it to be as perfect and have well-stabilised system and hardware like today’s smartphones!

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